Иеромонах Роман - Подобно Каплям Дождевым

Download Иеромонах Роман - Подобно Каплям Дождевым
Artist: Иеромонах Роман
Album: Подобно Каплям Дождевым


Filename: ieromonah-roman-podobno-kaplyam-dozhdevym.zip

Review by Eric Zhang

The album Подобно Каплям Дождевым by Иеромонах Роман has been receiving rave reviews from fans of Russian Orthodox music. The album features 11 tracks, each one a beautiful and haunting tribute to the rich traditions of the Orthodox Church.

The album begins with the title track, which sets the tone for the rest of the album with its gentle, melodic sound. From there, the listener is taken on a journey through a range of emotions, from the hauntingly beautiful "Отче наш" to the somber "Помилуй нас."

Throughout the album, Иеромонах Роман's vocals are a standout feature. His voice is powerful and emotive, with a depth and richness that draws the listener in. The instrumentation is also excellent, with a mix of traditional Orthodox instruments and modern elements that give the album a unique sound.

Table of Contents


Уж Вечер Друзья
Я Лежу На Холме
О, Матери!
Подобно Каплям Дождевым
Благословен Если Господи
Канон Преподобного Андрея Критскоко
Я Умру, Но Только Не Сейчас
Белая Ночь
Если Тебя Неудача Постигла
Наброшу Мантию Свою


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Catalog Numbers




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Песнопения Иеромонаха Романа

About Иеромонах Роман

Real Name

    • Александр Иванович Матюшин

Name Vars

  • Hieromonk Roman
  • Иеромонах Отец Роман
  • Песнопения Иеромонаха Романа

Summary by Eric Zhang

Подобно Каплям Дождевым is a stunning album that showcases the beauty and power of Russian Orthodox music. Whether you are a devout follower of the faith or simply appreciate great music, this album is definitely worth a listen.

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